Saturday, December 7, 2013

How to confer your lovebird's diet
You should feed your lovebirds these fruits: Papayas, bananas, and melons (once weekly; only constitute 5% diet.) You should feed them these vegetables: Dark leafy greens, (kale, collards, mustard, dandelion, escarole,) zucchinis, broccoli, squash, and shredded carrots (every other day; should only constitute 20% diet.) You should feed them these treats: Honey sticks, millet spray (offer daily; should only constitute 2% of diet.)
Your lovebird's cage
Your lovebird's cage must be a minimum size of 18x22x18, they can live together (their same species.) They must have a minimum of 2 perches (do not place over food bowl.) Place away from windows. DO NOT PLACE CAGE IN KITCHEN!
Your lovebird will live for approximately 7-10 years. He/she can grow to be 6"(7 cm) long. They are found in temperate climates. They are named "lovebirds" because of there lifelong bond that forms between a male and female bird.